
AS9100 航天工业

■ AS/EN/JISQ 9100/9110(航空、航天和国防行业)


AS/EN/JISQ 9100/9110 是全球公认的航空航天行业质量标准。缩写 AS、EN 和 JISQ 分别代表该标准在美国、欧洲和日本的国家版本(AS = 美国,EN = 欧洲,JISQ = 日本)。

EN 9100 系列的所有标准均基于 ISO 9001 的高阶结构(HLS),并规定了航空、航天和国防行业的附加要求。


· EN 9100:适用于设计、开发或提供航空、航天和国防产品及服务的组织的质量管理标准

· EN 9110:适用于提供维护服务的组织的质量管理标准

通过满足 AS/EN/JISQ 9100/9110 的要求,组织可以展示其对质量、安全和可靠性的承诺。


此外,获得认证的组织将被列入 IAQG 国际数据库。被列入 OASIS 数据库越来越被视为获得客户新供应商批准的前提条件。












· 航空航天行业的整个供应链,即所有类型产品和服务的直接和间接供应商

· 维修企业



审核由获得 IAQG(国际航空航天质量组织)批准的有经验的航空航天审核员根据相应的国际适用要求执行。

在奥地利,认证由奥地利航空工业协会(AAIG)批准,AAIG 是 IAQG 的国家机构。


· 过程导向

· 基于分析和评估的风险管理

· 配置管理

· 设计与开发(验证 / 确认 / 测试)

· 生产和服务提供(文件化 / 控制 / 变更)

· 检验与测试文件

· 首件检验



Quality Austria Certification GmbH 获得奥地利数字与经济事务联邦部(BMDW)和 AAIG(IAQG)认可,并在 OASIS 数据库中正式注册。

Quality Austria Certification GmbH 是奥地利首家获得航空航天行业认证资格的认证机构。



■ AS/EN/JISQ 9100/9110 (Aviation, Space and Defense Industries)

Motivation and benefits

AS/EN/JISQ 9100/9110 is the worldwide recognized quality standard in the aerospace industry. The abbreviations AS, EN and JISQ indicate the respective national editions of the standard (AS = America, EN = Europe, JISQ = Japan).

All standards in the EN 9100 family are based on the High Level Structure (HLS) of ISO 9001 and specify additional aviation, space and defense industry requirements.

A distinction is made between the following models:

· EN 9100: Quality Management standard that is intended for use by organizations that design, develop, or provide aviation, space and defense products and services

· EN 9110: Quality Management standard for organizations providing maintenance

By meeting the requirements of AS/EN/JISQ 9100/9110, organizations can demonstrate their commitment to quality, safety and reliability.

Successful certification by an independent body not only provides objective evidence of compliance, but also builds up trust among customers. Furthermore, certified organizations are included in the IAQG international database. Listing in the OASIS database is increasingly considered a prerequisite for being approved as a new supplier to customers.


· Avoidance of multiple auditing by reducing the number of audits (e.g. by clients)

· Optimization of the entire organization

· Strategic business planning, customer focus

· Further development of the improvement process

· Secured project management, ensuring start of production and absolute process control

· Reduction of variation and wastage in the supply chain

· Optimization of the value chain

· Risk minimization by applying systematic methods

· Avoidance of multiple auditing by reducing the number of audits (e.g. by clients)

· Optimization of the entire organization

· Strategic business planning, customer focus

· Further development of the improvement process

· Secured project management, ensuring start of production and absolute process control

· Reduction of variation and wastage in the supply chain

· Optimization of the value chain

· Risk minimization by applying systematic methods

Target group

· The total supply chain of the aerospace industry, i.e. both direct and indirect suppliers of products and services of all types

· Maintenance companies

· The total supply chain of the aerospace industry, i.e. both direct and indirect suppliers of products and services of all types

· Maintenance companies

· The total supply chain of the aerospace industry, i.e. both direct and indirect suppliers of products and services of all types

· Maintenance companies


· The total supply chain of the aerospace industry, i.e. both direct and indirect suppliers of products and services of all types

· Maintenance companies


The audits are performed by experienced aerospace auditors approved by the IAQG (International Aerospace Quality Group) on the basis of the respective internationally applicable requirements. In Austria, approval is granted by the Austrian Aeronautics Industries Group (AAIG), which is the IAQG national body.

After positive completion of the audit, the respective certificate will be issued. Some focal points are, for example:

· process orientation

· risk management based on analysis and evaluation

· configuration management

· design and development (verification / validation / test)

· production and service provision (documentation / control / change)

· inspection and test documentation

· first article inspection


The audits are performed by experienced aerospace auditors approved by the IAQG (International Aerospace Quality Group) on the basis of the respective internationally applicable requirements. In Austria, approval is granted by the Austrian Aeronautics Industries Group (AAIG), which is the IAQG national body.

After positive completion of the audit, the respective certificate will be issued. Some focal points are, for example:

· process orientation

· risk management based on analysis and evaluation

· configuration management

· design and development (verification / validation / test)

· production and service provision (documentation / control / change)

· inspection and test documentation

· first article inspection


Quality Austria Certification GmbH is accredited by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Economic Affairs (BMDW) and AAIG (IAQG) and is officially recognized in the OASIS database.

Quality Austria Certification GmbH is the first approved certification body in Austria to be accredited for the aerospace industry.




邮箱(Mail) 池小姐/marketing@ouliyabihua.com程小姐


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