• amjs澳金沙门(中国)有限公司

    FORESTRY 森林管理



    The certification system for sustainable forest management PEFC (Pan European Forest Certification) is based on international resolutions that were adopted by 37 nations in the pan-European Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe (MCPFE) (Helsinki 1993, Lisbon 1998). 


    The utmost goal of PEFC is the documentation and improvement of sustainable forest management particularly with regard to economic, ecological and social standards. 

    Governing Bodies

    26 national PEFC governing bodies are members of the PEFCC (Pan European Forest Certification Council). In addition to 16 European countries, Canada is represented by the Canadian Standards Association and USA by the Sustainable Forestry Initiative and American Tree Farm System. 

    The PEFC is also supported by the following extraordinary members from the following lumber industry, timber trade and landowners associations:

    FEBO - The European Timber Trade/ Retailers Association

    FEBO - The European Timber Trade/ Retailers Association

    CEI Bois - European Confederation of Woodworking Industries

    ELO - European Landowners Organisation

    CEPF - Confederation of European Forest Owners

    UEF - Union of European Foresters

    FECOF - European Federation of Community Forests

    USSE - Union of Foresters of Southern Europe

    ENFE - European Network of Forest Entrepreneurs

    Motivation and benefits

    Use of the PEFC logo - a credible chain of custody certification

    Excellent marketing instrument

    Increased customer satisfaction due to assessment from independent evaluators

    Prevention of use of products causing lasting damage (biocides)

    Improved quality of forest population

    Cost savings potential with the process costs of logging





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