
    发布者:amjs澳金沙门认证  发布时间:2024-10-11  浏览次数:




    ISO 9001的最新时间
    ISO 9001的修订已被推迟。由于在委员会草案阶段的广泛讨论以及工作组召集人的辞职,ISO决定引入委员会草案2,并推迟ISO 9001修订的时间表。新的发布日期已从202512月推迟到20269月,结果将是ISO 9001:2026

    我们咨询了我们的专家,DI (FH) Thomas Waldner,他是Quality Austria的业务发展一体化管理系统的负责人。

    ISO 9001的修202312月以来一直在行;是目前已知的情况。新修的起点是什么?
    Thomas Waldner:新的ISO 9001基于2015版和高级结构(High-Level Structure)。关于新修订的基础,存在一些不同的意见。现在选择了一种透明的方法,清楚地标记了与以前修订版本的变化和协调结构。此外,还将纳入2020客户调查的方面。

    Thomas Waldner:我们目前不能讨论细节。一般来说,正如所提到的,2020年客户调查中确定的新兴趋势已经被识别。这些重点领域在工作组的第一次会议上由专家讨论并优先实施。稍后将公布这些主题将如何纳入。然而,有一个主题已经直接进入了现有和未来的标准:气候变化。基于伦敦宣言,该主题得以直接纳入而无需经过正常修订过程,并相应发布。这不仅影响ISO 9001,还影响多个其他标准,包括ISO 14001、ISO 50001ISO 45001

    ISO 9001的当前状是什么?刚刚了新的时间表。
    Thomas Waldner:最初,计划只进行委员会草案。然而,由于广泛的讨论以及无法及时处理内容,导致了延迟。此外,工作组召集人的辞职进一步导致了延迟。当前的时间表显示,委员会草案2应在20251月至6月之间处理,随后是DIS - 国际标准草案(20257月至20263月),然后是FDIS - 最终国际标准草案(20264月至6月)。ISO 9001:2026的发布将从20267月至9月进行,实际发布日期计划为20269月。

    Thomas Waldner:参与者是来自各个领域的国际专家(行业、中小型企业、顾问、认证机构、特定行业代表)以及来自世界各地区(非洲、美洲、亚洲、澳大利亚和大洋洲、欧洲、中东)的代表。

    Thomas Waldner:在上述的客户调查中,还询问了是否应该进行ISO 9001的新修订。当时的结果是否定的。然而,后续调查显示,支持修订的比例略有上升,因此ISO启动了修订。奥地利镜像委员会反对新修订,但我们很自豪能够参与ISO 9001修订的工作组。

    Thomas Waldner:如果您对新的ISO 9001有合格的意见,可以将其提交给相关的标准化机构(在奥地利是奥地利标准国际),然后通过镜像委员会审查意见,并可能将其纳入修订中。这并不意味着这些主题将立即被整合;它们当然需要在工作组内得到积极评价。


    Updated Timeline for the ISO 9001 Revision

    The revision of ISO 9001 has been postponed. Due to extensive discussions during the Committee Draft phase and the resignation of the Working Group Convenor, ISO has decided to introduce a Committee Draft 2 as well as to delay the timeline for the ISO 9001 revision. The new release date has shifted from December 2025 to September 2026, resulting in the ISO 9001:2026.

    We consulted our expert, DI (FH) Thomas Waldner, Business Development Integrated Management System at Quality Austria and a member of the working group.

    The revision of ISO 9001 has been in progress since December 2023; this much is known so far. What is the starting point for the new revision?

    Thomas Waldner: The new ISO 9001 is based on both the 2015 version and the High-Level Structure. There were some differences in opinion regarding the foundation for the new revision. A transparent approach has now been chosen, clearly marking both the changes from the previous revision and the Harmonized Structure. Additionally, aspects from the 2020 ‘Customer Survey’ will be incorporated.

    The ‘Customer Survey’ identified ‘emerging trends’—topics that may potentially be covered in the standard in the future. What content changes can we expect based on these emerging trends and previous discussions?

    Thomas Waldner: We cannot discuss the details at this stage. Generally, as mentioned, the emerging trends from the Customer Survey conducted in 2020 have been identified. These focus areas were discussed among experts in the first meeting of the working group and prioritized for implementation. At a later date, it will be revealed how these topics will be incorporated. One topic, however, has already found direct entry into both the existing and future standards: climate change. The basis for this direct integration was the ‘London Declaration,’ which allowed this topic to be included without undergoing a ‘normal’ revision process and to be published accordingly. This affects not only ISO 9001 but also several other standards, including ISO 14001, ISO 50001, and ISO 45001.

    What is the current status of the ISO 9001 revision? A new timeline has just been defined.

    Thomas Waldner: Originally, only a Committee Draft was planned. However, due to extensive discussions and the inability to process content in a timely manner, there was a delay. Additionally, the Convenor of the working group resigned, which caused further delays. The current timeline states that Committee Draft 2 should be processed between January and June 2025, followed by the DIS - Draft International Standard (July 2025 to March 2026), which will then lead to the FDIS - Final Draft International Standard (April to June 2026). The release of ISO 9001:2026 will be processed from July to September 2026, with the actual publication date planned for September 2026.

    Who are the participants in the Working Group?

    Thomas Waldner: The participants are international experts from various fields (industry, small to medium-sized enterprises, consultants, certification bodies, representatives from specific sectors) and from all regions of the world (Africa, Americas, Asia, Australia & Oceania, Europe, Middle East).

    Why is there a need for a new revision at all?

    Thomas Waldner: During the aforementioned Customer Survey, it was also asked whether a new ISO 9001 revision should be undertaken. The result at that time was negative. However, subsequent surveys showed a slight majority in favor of a revision, which was then initiated by ISO. The Austrian mirror committee opposed a new revision, but we are proud to be part of the Working Group for the revision of ISO 9001.

    Can one provide one’s input on the new revision?

    Thomas Waldner: If you have qualified input regarding the new ISO 9001, you can forward this to the respective standardization body (in Austria, Austrian Standards International), which will then review the comments through the mirror committee and potentially incorporate them into the revision. This does not mean that the topics will be immediately integrated; they must, of course, be positively evaluated within the working group.


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